The azing search is very powerfull, so here's what you want to know:
Where Search Looks
One or more words must all be found in the item (checklists, informations, templates) or the library-path this item is in. We look in the title, description, body and tags of items and libraries. Some specials you should know:
- when comparing normal text (titles, description etc.) the search will match any term it finds, so run will also find running and overrun
- when comparing tags, it only matches exact tags, so run will not match running
- the search is case-insensitive, so run will also match Run or RUN
Basic Searches
- excel will find all items containing the word excel. It will also match documents in libraries containing this term.
- excel quotes will find all items containing both the words excel and quote. Matches may also include items which contain one word, if the library contains the other. So if you have a library "Toy quotes" containing a document "Where to find the excel calculations" this will also match.
Searching Below/Within a Folder
Azing automatically detects what folder you are in, and will only search for items below that folder. To search the entire catalog, start at the catalog-home.
Negative Searches
Adding a minus (-) before a term tells the search to skip all items containing this term.
- excel -quotes will return items containing excel, and not containing quotes.
- -excel quotes will return items containing quotes, but not containing excel.
- -excel will not return any documents, as negative-only searches are ignored
Multi-Word Searches
To search for multiple words, type them like: word1 word2
If you need these words to be together, search using quotes like "word1 word2"
Restricting Searches to Specific Scopes
You can limit search-terms to only be in certain fields or item-types. This is how you do it:
- Syntax: scope:term or -scope:term
- Scope: this is where to search (see full list below)
- Term: the search term just like in any search
- name:excel - this will only look for excel in the name of the item
- -name:excel - this will only exclude a result if the name (or library names) contain excel
- tag:junior - this will only find items which have a tag junior
- name will limit the search to the name / title of items
- path will limit the search to the names of the items and folders leading to the item
- body will limit the search to the body of an item (folders don't have bodies)
- tag will limit the search to tags
- doc will limit the search to the item, and not look in the folders it's in
- folder will limit the search to the item-folders, and not look in the document
- folder-name will limit the search to names of the folders the item is in
When searching for text containing colons (maybe a code-snippet like x:y) put all of that in quotes, like "x:y"
- this way, x is not treated as a scope, but as a normal text.